About shareEDGE Project
shareEDGE プロジェクト
About shareEDGE Project
'shareEDGE' is a project to introduce superior shareware software, to host shareware product and developer and vendor growing. ‘shareEDGE' project is managed and controlled by nextEDGE Technology. Visit www.nextEDGEtech.com for more information about nextEDGE Technology.
Introducing shareware software that is superior to Asia market ? With shareEDGE, the software are selected from midst of the software in the world where it has been already received high reviews. As for the shareware, which is introduced by shareEDGE, technical evaluation, quality evaluations are conducted in Japanese environment and the evaluation of originality of the design with regarding operability are done for products of all shareEDGE qualified and tested software. In addition, by the cooperation with the developer and shareEDGE, the best trusted environment is maintained for user and members of shareEDGE. Many of the software that is introduced in shareEDGE was developed in United States , and actual UI and the documentation are still in English. Even if the product is providing in English, shareEDGE provides translated product information for user in Asia to help user to understand the product and operation.
User feedback - With shareEDGE, it manages the feedback from the users with regarding to the product. Feedbacks are contributed voluntarily or by joining (gratuitousness) shareEDGE member.
Product support - With shareEDGE, we will accept questions and request from the user with regarding to the product. s hareEDGE will share any requests from customers with the developers to help them improve their products that are marketed in Asia . The shareEDGE user will also have information with regarding to software support and the information for the origin of the product.
User request - shareEDGE, will correspond to requests with regarding the product to the user as much as possible. To receive this service, the users have to join shareEDGE membership program. With shareEDGE, we encourage users to share information with the product their using or have purchased. ShareEDGE will also accept user requests for new software that are not available in Asia and it will go through the same rigid software quality test before it is released.
Software developer and vendor support ? shareEDGE also provide hosting service for developer and vendor which develop superior software. For not localized software product, nextEDGE will provide appropriate localization service to the developer and the vendor. Then developer and vendor will be able to obtain knowledge and process to expand business change to Japan and Asia market. It will make more chance to expend productivity With the small software vendor and their individual packages that are being created, that require nextEDGE's assistance for marketing/sakes promotion tasks. In addition, nextEDGE will help offer technology and consultation services, which are necessary for commercialization, to help local software developers and vendors to make it s success.

nextEDGE Technology shareEDGE Project association

(c) 2004, 2007 nextEDGE Technology All rights reserved.

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  shareEDGEサイトについて ベンダ/デベロッパの皆さんへ
  shareEDGE会員利用約款 (8899)
shareEDGEプロジェクト利用約款 (7381)
メディア配送サービスについて (18505)
PDA,Pocket PC、スマートフォンの定義について (9397)
shareEDGE基金について (8212)
TBYB (Try Before You Buy) (9590)
ユーザサポート規約  (15)
ソフトウェアのアップグレードに関して (8433)
shareEDGEアフィリエイトについて (12028)
シェアウェアの歴史(1) (7027)
About shareEDGE Project (8994)
シェアウェアとは (8475)
shareEDGEの目的 (7904)
shareEDGEと他のダウンロードサイトとの違い (8701)
プライバシに関する情報 (6818)
シェアウェアの歴史(2) (16193)
shareEDGEダウンロード アフィリエイト参加規約 (6198)
shareEDGE製品購入の流れ (12476)
ソフトウェアの価格設定について (12132)
ベンダ/デベロッパー ホスティング (8766)
シェアエッジ プロジェクト (c) 2004, 2020株式会社ネクステッジテクノロジーAll rights reserved.